Dispute Assistance and Avoidance

Our team specialises in disputes arising in connection with impaired renewable assets, defective energy and infrastructure facilities as well as complex construction and engineering contracts - including PFI contracts. We also provide fully comprehensive post-contract support services - providing contract interpretation advice, dispute assistance and guidance plus dispute avoidance and resolution services.  

The team has a wealth of experience working closely with clients to find the most effective route of resolving disputes. This includes pre-action negotiations, various forms of alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and expert determination, or more formal proceedings such as adjudication, arbitration, and litigation. 

We appreciate and understand the details and requirements of these projects; the key aims and drivers. This enables us to provide tailored commercial advice at all strategic stages.

We can advise on all aspects of these disputes including:

  • Professional negligence claims
  • Payment issues - including interim or final account
  • Breaches of contract
  • Defects
  • Termination
  • Contractor insolvency 
  • Delay - including acceleration and claims for extensions of time
  • Loss and expense

The size of our team ensures that all disputes can be resourced efficiently based on their value and complexity. We pride ourselves on getting results for our clients. 

Members of the team have advised on a vast range of projects which has enhanced our specialism within the sector, including disputes in relation to:

•    Anaerobic digestion plants
•    Biomass plants 
•    Energy from waste facilities
•    Mechanical and biological treatment facilities
•    Polymers recycling plant
•    Solar farms
•    Gasification plants

We have also advised on a significant number of disputes in relation to operation and maintenance of facilities and facilities management contracts. 

Get in touch

We are lawyers you can count on to deliver. If you’d like to find out more about our services and whether we can help you, click the button below and get in touch.

Our team will be responsive and accessible – a valued partner ready to assist you every step of the way.

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