Ashfords’ family team announces a new ‘one lawyer, one couple’ service - Resolution Together


UK law firm Ashfords has announced a new ‘one lawyer, one couple’ service known as Resolution Together. This method was launched in 2022 by Resolution, a community of family justice professionals, where former partners can instruct one solicitor when separating or making financial or child arrangements.  

Ashfords' family team, where all lawyers are members of Resolution, will provide a holistic service to clients with this new method, which will include collaboration with Ashfords’ extensive network of contacts, involving barristers, mediators, valuers and other experts providing tax, financial advice and family support. 

Family partner Samantha Newton said: “Many couples have built up their life and wealth together and understandably want to resolve a solution to a separation in the same way, together, with control over the process and dignity. The Resolution Together service complements the change to the move to a no-fault divorce system in England and Wales and we’re thrilled to be able to offer this additional service to some clients from our London, Bristol and Exeter offices.”

Ashfords' experienced family team supports clients at every stage, whether that is relationship planning or asset protection, guiding clients through a divorce or separation, or resolving disputes involving children. 

To find out more about the Resolution Together service, please contact the family team.

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