The Ashfords Unlocking AI Podcast - Episode 3: Can AI support you through uncertain times?

Did you know, 40% of people stop IVF treatments after failing the first treatment round due to costs?

Gaia Fertility, founded in 2019, is the world’s first IVF insurance product that provides an affordable way to start a family through IVF. At the beginning of each round, their customers pay an insurance premium which covers all procedures, medication and continuous support throughout their journey to parenthood.

Ashfords’ Jenny Guild and Chris Fotheringham sit down with Tom Spooner, Head of Legal at Gaia Fertility. Discussions flow as to how AI is used in Gaia’s platform, to help hopeful parents and support the best fertility clinics in the UK.

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The Unlocking AI Podcast

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Ashfords Unlocking AI Podcast

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