Gareth Pinwell



Gareth is a Partner in the Planning & Infrastructure Consenting team.

Gareth acts for clients seeking permission for housing, industrial or renewable developments. He also has a contentious practice involving enforcement and judicial review. 

Gareth advises clients on a full range of planning matters including advice and assistance with pre-application appraisal for major projects, drafting and settling Section 106 Agreements for a variety of residential, retails and renewable projects, advising on agricultural planning issues assisting clients to diversify their businesses and advising clients on enforcement issues as they arise. 

Gareth has advised on planning at a senior level both in house and in private practice for over 20 years.

Relevant experience

  • Private company: Advising and assisting the client to obtain an outline permission with a Section 106 Agreement for 750 houses and a mixed use development scheme in Cornwall.
  • Private company: Advising on the planning aspects on an investment into a major energy from waste facility in the North West of England.
  • Private company: Advising and assisting with the obtaining of permission for a game bird breeding farm in North Devon.
  • Private company: Obtaining permission on appeal for the erection of an anaerobic digestion facility in Fraddon Cornwall.
  • Private company: Advising on the delivery of a mixed use strategic site in Teignbridge comprising 400 houses an education facility, industrial units and a local centre.

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