Manisha Patel

Associate (CILEx)


Manisha is an Associate with two decades of specialist experience in Social & Affordable Housing sales, having joined Ashfords from Catalyst Housing Ltd where she worked on the delivery of both high-quality affordable and market sale properties.

Manisha has managed several award -winning mixed tenure estate regeneration projects, including Portobello Square, Dee Park Havelock Estate in Southall, South Acton Estate and St Bernard’s Gate. She further has extensive experience in overseas sales in the Far East, China, Singapore and Hong Kong.

In addition to newbuild sales, she has been responsible for all leasehold products, including of resales and staircasing  (managed in-house). Manisha has a strategic and balanced view of the best way to sell each property that comes up for resale.

In addition, Manisha is an experienced trainer/educator on sales and legal process for both external and internal groups. She is also a recognised leader in the field and is often invited to run workshops on key topics such as CIH, NHF and Council of Mortgage Lenders and internal GPS.

Relevant experience

  • St Bernard’s: Delivery of a £50m scheme in west London which features more than 250 homes delivering 266 new homes in six individual blocks, consisting of 126 market sale, 98 Shared Ownership, 22 social rent and 20 at the new London Living Rent. The scheme has a total of 53% affordable homes. London Living Rent was offered for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments as a route to homeownership offering a tenancy for 5 years.

    Won the Best Large Development Award at the First Time Buyers Awards and won the Best Affordable Homes award in the Evening Standard New Homes Award.

  • Craven Park: 161 new-build social and private homes, in eight five and six-storey blocks involved decanting residents from their existing housing. This was a constrained site, with a railway goods line on one side, so technically complex in terms of delivery.

  • Kingsgate: Lease to reflect District Heating System and Photovoltaic. Working with ENER-G Switch 2 to produce sufficient mandate and comprehensive paperwork to sit with leaseholders package to ensure leaseholders and purchase solicitors are knowledgeable of their requirements.

    Catalyst Homes was awarded best affordable housing scheme at the 2014 24Housing awards for this stunning project. This was a new build residential development using coloured PV cells. The aim was to deliver a world-class building, achieving CSH level 4 and PEFC certification — the first major project in the world to do so.

  • Southall Village: Reinvigorating the former Havelock Estate delivered 922 high quality homes and establishing a thriving Canalside neighbourhood. Offering redesigned open spaces, new roads, community facility, new shops, a cinema, restaurants along with opening up the canal. In addition to a new park, there are  private courtyards and ‘home zones’ offering semi communal space for play and cycle storage. New roads are also being built within the development which will make further improvements to connectivity by creating a direct link from the park to the canal.

    Winner in best regeneration category – Evening Standard New Homes Award 2020.

  • Portobello Square: Delivery approximately 1,000 mixed tenure new homes for social rent, private sales and shared ownership. The scheme was granted planning approval for Phase 1 of 5 phases by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council. Connecting road constructed to better integrate the isolated estate into the surrounding community and a new community centre. Worked with Government on Mortgage Rescue Scheme. Assisted with modelling showing 'profitability', resulting in Catalyst being major contributor to scheme.

    Awarded Bronze in the Affordable Housing Category at the World Architecture News Awards 2021

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